Growing up

My little brother is growing up.

I say little, but he is, of course, a fully-grown man. Yesterday he made an offer on a house (I’ve seen it on the Internet – green but impressive) and is awaiting the result of the offer.

It is sometimes hard to reconcile the brother I used to live at home with to the one that makes interstate moves, teaches children the beauty of music and conducts himself with an enviable calm assurance. It’s also hard to live with the fact that, when he was about 7, I pretended to be dead (or at least unconscious) to try to teach him about dialling 000 in an emergency. Cruel – sorry about that. Hope it didn’t scar you too much.

My brother and my sister might not realise that they make me proud. Maybe that’s because I haven’t told them. How rude of me! Both of them have strength, commitment and an embedded sense of integrity that cannot be shaken – three things that are missing in a lot of people that I meet. I hope you people in cyber world get to meet them some time (although I know some readers already know and love them well) – you will be missing out if you don’t.

Brief note from the past number one – cricket was great; top lunch (seafood), a lovely glass of red to go with it (I know whites are for seafood, but I don’t like them overly much) and 14 gin and tonics too many through a very warm afternoon. Good company as well – a great day.

Brief note from the past number two – Work is very interesting at the moment, and incredibly hectic. There’s a suggestion that my January holiday might be under threat (because some things just won’t wait), so apologies in advance if that happens. For those far and wide, I apologise in advance if it turns out that way. More details when I can.

4 thoughts on “Growing up

  1. #1 Wow, no wonder Joe was so stressed as a kid, you bastard…LOL, nah, wish I had thought of that …… Is that how A&S learnt how to dial 000 also ….? Very tricky indeed. #2, no, you aint told us, but thats ok, I dont tell you how I really feel about you either. #3 I thought you cooked fish in white wine… #4 Holidays, what holidays?

  2. LOL! The scary thing about you acting dead is I can’t remember that at all! Did I ring anyone? On other points, yeah I’m with you… although I have a definite sense of bias, I think we’re all pretty great! And I too blame parenting

  3. No….you pushed me a few times and then burst in to tears. Obviously you have repressed the memory, and the scars are buried very deeply. Get counselling or kick a dog (not mine).
    And of curse I blame the parents – I thought that went without saying?

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